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Core Entities

Core Entities are important resources in LINDAS:

  • Core Entities are needed because they play (will play) a role in many different datasets (e.g. cantons or offices) and should be reusable.
  • Core Entities are the central point to link detailed information from different other sources (registers) (e.g. the core entity "Canton XY" is linked to geographical information and population statistics).

Core Entities include:

  • Territorial entities: countries, cantons, districts, municipalities, ...
  • Organizational Entities: Departments, Offices, ...
  • Temporal entities: Years, semesters, quarters, months, weeks, ...

Core Entities are modeled as part of a Controlled Vocabulary of type schema:DefinedTerm within a schema:DefinedTermSet. There is no actual "Core Entity" class.

Tabular Collection of Core Entities

What List of Entities Example
Territorial Entities
Countries SPARQL Query France:
Cantons SPARQL Query Jura:
Municipalities SPARQL Query Bregaglia:
Organizational Entities
Departments of the Federal Administration SPARQL Query DETEC:
Federal Offices SPARQL Query Federal Archives:
Temporal Entities
Semester SPARQL Query Semester 1, 1978:
Quarters SPARQL Query Quarter 2, 1968:
Months SPARQL Query Month 12, 1999:
Weeks SPARQL Query Week 12, 1972:

Further Core Entities and Defined Term Sets

This SPARQL Query returns further Defined Term Sets, which can be understood as core entities. It should be noted that not all Defined Term Sets have a link to the actual terms using schema:hasDefinedTerm. In some cases, only the individual term has a link to the Defined Term Set using schema:inDefinedTermSet.